Monday, 23 September 2013

Dokumentasi In House Training Java Programming

Pada tanggal 21 September 2013, telah dilaksanakan In House Training Java Programming. Peserta training kali ini dari Bea Cukai, Batam.

Rainusa Training Centre adalah satu-satunya IT Training Centre dan IT Certification yang khusus dan fokus  di pengembangan sumber daya manusa bidang Pelatihan IT di wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau seperti pelatihan Teknologi Informasi dan Kursus Komputer diantaranya Programming, Database, Sistem Operasi, Disain Grafis, Jaringan Komputer baik tingkat dasar maupun lanjutan.

Rainusa Training Centre juga adalah satu-satunya ATC (Authorized Testing Centre) untuk sertifikasi internasional Microsoft Office Specialist, Microsoft Technology Associate, Adobe Certified Associate dan Mikrotik Certified Network Associate di wilayah Propinsi Kepulauan Riau.

Training Syllabus ITIL® Foundation with Case Study (Certified)

Course Description:

The ITIL® Foundation course is the entry level certification course for IT Service Management Best Practices training in ITIL. This course covers the latest version of core ITIL best practices presented from a lifecycle perspective. The course introduces the principles and core elements of IT service management (ITSM) based on ITIL. ITIL is comprised of five core publications: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operations and Continual Service Improvement, promoting alignment with the business as well as improving operational efficiency. This course is delivered using an exciting case study designed to further enhance and cement the candidates understanding of ITIL. Students who have attended this course are suitably prepared to successfully take the associated ITIL Foundation certification test which is a requirement for attending any of the further learning courses (ITIL intermediate level training) available in this track.

Course and Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the principles and concepts of IT Service Management based on ITIL.
  • Identify the best practices of implementing ITIL in an organization.
  • Define the terminology used in ITIL
  • Identify the concepts and definitions used in the Service Lifecycle.
  • Define Service Strategy concepts
  • Define Service Design concepts
  • Define Service Operations concepts
  • Define Service Transition concepts
  • Define Continual Service Improvement concepts
  • Define the roles, processes, and components within key areas of IT Service Management based on ITIL
  • Prepare the student to take the ITIL Foundation Certification exam

Course Approach:

Participants will learn the principles and core elements of the service lifecycle approach to IT Service Management according to ITIL. An interactive approach is used combining lecture, discussion and case study experience to prepare participants for the ITIL Foundation certification exam as well as providing valuable practical knowledge that can be rapidly applied in the workplace. Quint Wellington Redwood’s integrated case study deepens the participant’s appreciation of how ITIL best practices can be applied in order to improve IT performance.

Course Student Material:

Students will receive a ITIL Foundation classroom workbook containing all of the presentation materials, course notes, case study and sample exams.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Training Syllabus Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced

Microsoft Word Advanced 2010 (1 Day)

Using Word with Other Programs

  • Link an Excel Spreadsheet to Word Document
  • Link a chart in word to Excel Data
  • Send a document Outline to PowerPoint to create a presentation
  • Send a Document as an Email Message

Collaborating on Documents

  • Set User Information
  • Review a Document
  • Merge Document Changes
  • Review Track Changes and Comments

Adding Reference Marks and Notes

  • Inserting Bookmarks
  • Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes
  • Inserting Cross-References
  • Add Captions
  • Insert and edit Hyperlinks
  • Create an Index
  • Inserting Table of Contents

Working with Long Documents

  • Inserting Blank and Cover Pages
  • Create an Index
  • Insert Table of Contents
  • Working with Master Documents and Sub Documents

Mail Merge

  • Creating a Data Source
  • Creating a standard Letter
  • Perform a Mail Merge
  • Mail Merge Envelopes and Labels

Modifying Pictures

  • Insert a picture
  • Resize a Picture
  • Set Picture Prominence
  • Wrap Text around a Picture

Automating Document Creation

  • Create a document using Template Wizard
  • Create a document based on a Template
  • Create and save a Template

Using Graphic Elements

  • Draw Shapes
  • Add Special Effects to Text
  • Display Text as Graphic using Text Boxes
  • Control Text Flow between Text Boxes

Structuring Content Using Quick Parts

  • Create Building Blocks
  • Insert Building Blocks
  • Modify Building Blocks


  • Add Form Fields
  • Protect a Form
  • Use a Form

Microsoft Excel Advanced 2010 (1 Day)

Auditing a worksheet

  • Tracing precedents and dependents
  • Tracing errors in the worksheet
  • Error checking
  • Watch window

Linking worksheets and workbooks

  • Setting up related worksheets within a workbook
  • Entering a formula to link related worksheets
  • Entering a formula to link external workbooks
  • Creating a workspace
  • Consolidate worksheets/workbooks

What if Analysis

  • Goal seek
  • 1 way and 2 way data tables
  • scenario manager

Additional features

  • Worksheet validation
  • Protecting a worksheet and workbook
  • Group and outlining the worksheet

Advanced functions

  • Index function
  • Array functions


  • Create a custom number and date format
  • Using conditional formatting
  • Inserting Sparklines

Working with Templates

  • Creating a new workbook template
  • Create a workbook from a template

Importing and Exporting Data

  • Importing data from a text or web based file
  • Working with other database applications such as Access

Working with other Excel users

  • Create a shared workbook
  • Tracking changes in a shared workbook
  • Responding to proposed changes and comments in a shared workbook

Filtering and summarising worksheet data

  • Autofilter and advanced filter
  • Adding a criteria range with advanced filter
  • Database functions
  • Using subtotals and nested subtotals
  • Applying a database query
  • Removing duplicate entries

Pivot Tables

  • What is a pivot table?
  • Best practice on setting up pivot tables
  • Creating a pivot table
  • Resetting the summary function in a pivot table report
  • Grouping pivot table data
  • Formatting a pivot table
  • Charting a pivot table
  • Printing the pivot table
  • Using other Microsoft data sources with pivot tables
  • Using Slicer to make PivotTables more interactive
  • Analysing data from multiple sources using PowerPivot plug-in

Recording simple macros

  • Why use macros?
  • Macro guidelines
  • Macro security settings
  • Recording/deleting macros
  • Running macros
  • Assign a macro to an icon and shortcut keys
  • Identify the difference between relative and absolute macros 

Microsoft Powerpoint Advanced 2010 (1 Day)

Customising the PowerPoint Environment

  • Personalise the PowerPoint interface
  • Customise save options
  • Apply advanced customisation options

Customising a Design Template

  • Set up a slide master
  • Customise slide layouts
  • Create a custom theme
  • Customise Bullets
  • Add common slide information
  • Modify note master
  • Modify handout master

Adding Diagrams to a Presentation

  • Create a diagram
  • Modify diagrams

Sound and Movies

  • Inserting a sound clip to a slide
  • Adding a movie clip to a slide

Interactive presentations

  • Inserting hyperlinks
  • Using action buttons

Advanced Animation

  • The animation task pane
  • Achieving advanced effects

Customising a Slide Show Presentation

  • Set up a custom show
  • Annotate a presentation
  • Create a presenter-independent slide show
  • Set up slide show to repeat automatically

Collaborating on a Presentation

  • Publish slides to a slide library
  • Share a presentation
  • Working with comments within the presentation

Finalising a Presentation

  • Review a presentation
  • Secure a presentation
  • Saving a presentation as a web page

Monday, 16 September 2013


Pada tanggal 14 September 2013, telah dilaksanakan Gathering MUGI ( Microsoft User Group Indonesia ) di Rainusa IT Training Centre & Certification, Batam, Kepulauan Riau.

Rainusa Training Centre adalah satu-satunya IT Training Centre dan IT Certification yang khusus dan fokus  di pengembangan sumber daya manusa bidang Pelatihan IT di wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau seperti pelatihan Teknologi Informasi dan Kursus Komputer diantaranya Programming, Database, Sistem Operasi, Disain Grafis, Jaringan Komputer baik tingkat dasar maupun lanjutan.

Rainusa Training Centre juga adalah satu-satunya ATC (Authorized Testing Centre) untuk sertifikasi internasional Microsoft Office Specialist, Microsoft Technology Associate, Adobe Certified Associate dan Mikrotik Certified Network Associate di wilayah Propinsi Kepulauan Riau.

Dokumentasi Training AutoCAD 2D

Pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2013, telah dilaksanakan Training AutoCAD 2Ddi Rainusa IT Training Centre & Certification Batam, Kepulauan Riau

ainusa Training Centre adalah satu-satunya IT Training Centre dan IT Certification yang khusus dan fokus  di pengembangan sumber daya manusa bidang Pelatihan IT di wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau seperti pelatihan Teknologi Informasi dan Kursus Komputer diantaranya Programming, Database, Sistem Operasi, Disain Grafis, Jaringan Komputer baik tingkat dasar maupun lanjutan.

Rainusa Training Centre juga adalah satu-satunya ATC (Authorized Testing Centre) untuk sertifikasi internasional Microsoft Office Specialist, Microsoft Technology Associate, Adobe Certified Associate dan Mikrotik Certified Network Associate di wilayah Propinsi Kepulauan Riau.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Apa itu ITIL ?

ITIL atau Information Technology Infrastructure Library merupakan kumpulan best practice dan framework tata kelola layanan teknologi informasi diberbagai bidang dan industri. Dibuat dan dikembangkan oleh Office of Government Commerce (OGC).
Perkembangan ITIL searah dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi Awalnya dokumentasi ITIL terdiri dari kurang lebih 40 publikasi yang kemudian dibagi dalam 7 domain dan selanjutnya dibagi atas 2 domain yaitu service support dan service delivery yang dikenal dengan versi 2 dan merupakan core dalam tata kelola layanan teknologi informasi atau IT Service Management. Versi terakhir saat ini adalah versi 3, perubahan mendasar pada versi ini adalah terletak pada sudut pandang pengelolaan IT, dimana versi 2 mengelola layanan sebagai sekumpulan proses dan fungsi sementara di versi 3 mengelola layanan sebagai lifecycle/ daur hidup.
Sebenarnya perusahaan atau pengelola layanan teknologi informasi yang tidak mengenal ITIL atau belum pernah mendengar ITIL belum tentu tidak mengetahui atau memahami proses-proses dalam ITIL, sebenarnya ITIL dibuatkan berdasarkan praktek-praktek pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang dianggap berhasil yang kemudian dirangkum menjadi sebuah framework.
Agar proses implementasi ITIL berhasil sebaiknya dilakukan assessment terhadap proses-proses pengelolaan layanan yang terdapat dalam ITIL dan harus memiliki tujuan dan obyektif yang jelas.
Perusahaan-perusahaan besar dan Multi National Company banyak mengimplementasikan ITIL sebagai standar proses dalam pengelolaan layanan teknologi informasi.